Change the world through adventure

Take a trip

Soccer with friends in a Himalayan alpine field

In 2025, we are planning trips to Nepal and India. Each trip is deeply personal and rewarding for all individuals and has limited slots. Submit your info below and we will contact you.

To The Ends Of The Earth offers a variety of trip opportunities to get YOU involved in ending trafficking and providing healing to survivors.

We like to have fun!!! Ever Trekked over the Himalayas? Motorcycled to Tibet? Visited Mother Theresa’s Mission? Parasail? Fly Around Mt. Everest. We have and we did it in a way that provides resources to partners…We might stay in a villager’s house to provide her income for housing and food. We might use a travel company that works in anti-trafficking. We ALWAYS end up at someone’s house having Momos, or tea, or water buffalo (also chicken and vegtables…do not be scared) or getting manis/pedis at a partner location or visiting a store that helps women changing their lives and so much more.

Look to the left at the types of trips we offer. For more information on each trip (time of year, cost, details), fill out the form below and we will get back to you!

Trips are constantly evolving with real-world events changing the availability.

What Does 2025 look like? We are currently looking at a return to Gosai Kunda and the Gyanphedi region. One trip is a medical /dental outreach.

The other is a 10 day trek with partners (fellow Nepalis from schools etc, to Gosai Kunda). This one requires training. We will help you.

Contact us about our upcoming trips!
(513) 508-4760