Visit in 2023 to one of our partners in India. The bag being reviewed was bought in the USA and one of our travelers brought it back to show them how durable it was after 7 years !!! A GREAT DAY

Freedom Fund

100% of your donation to the Freedom Fund supports girls, women, schools, court cases and so much more, directly overseas. THIS IS OUR PLEDGE TO YOU- None of the money donated to the Freedom Fund is used for ‘administration’ purposes outside partner countries .

Freedom Fund donations are used to pay for College/High School tuition fees, English lessons, housing support, freedom outreach in ‘red light districts’, and other programs that directly impact women.

Freedom Fund donations support survivors of trafficking and abuse in India and Nepal that are waiting for our help so that they can begin or continue their lives. These donations also support those at risk, providing pathways to a future free of exploitation and suffering. We want to connect you with our partners and beneficiaries so that you can make a tangible difference in their lives by helping their dreams come true through life change- from learning basic math and language skills to specific job and skill training to providing better options in their life.

We have built established and trustworthy partnerships in the countries we serve and our partners often approach us with specific requests to support an individual beneficiaries’ needs and goals. As much as we can we fill the need in the short term and then try to match a donor to fulfill the remaining commitment. Opportunities exist for individuals, groups or entities to shoulder the entire cost if they see fit.